Will discusses FDR's New Deal with students on a field trip to Hyde Park
Students work on building an exhibit in CGP's gallery space
why is CGP like no other?
A Commitment to Social Justice
At the Cooperstown Graduate Program, we work for the public good. We take the changing demographics of the nation seriously, and work with people from many different communities. CGP works hard to bring students of all backgrounds into the profession and offers experiences and strategies for students to become culturally competent professionals. Students practice the skills of constructive dialogue and bring them to their museum positions to support community discussions on issues of human rights, social justice, science and society, and local concerns. We encourage our students to be active agents of change.
High Placement Rate
The Cooperstown Graduate Program has had a historically high placement rate. Thanks to our reputation, alumni network, and exceptional training, generally 90-100% of our students find jobs within 12 months of their graduation. For more information about where our alumni end up, click here.
Ryan ('16) explores drawers of fossils at the Paleontological Research Institute
Our commitment to accessibility makes CGP one of the most affordable Museum Studies Graduate Programs. Information on our tuition can be found here, and 100% of the students who ask for financial aid from the program receive it. Additionally, due to the location of CGP, housing is cheaper than at many other graduate schools.
CGP students have been having good times since before color photography
Immersive Field Trips
In addition to living, working, and learning in the community of Cooperstown, our students take a number of field trips during their time at CGP. Students travel to cities like Philadelphia, Montreal, and New York City to learn about museum work directly from experts. Day-long excursions to regional museums offer additional examples of museum practice.
Close Friendships & Alumni Connections
Our students join a ready-made network of alumni all over the United States and in many countries around the world. CGP colleagues come together at professional meetings, reunions, and gatherings and assist one another with jobs, internships, and professional queries. Our immersive environment cultivates lifelong friendships. Many of our alumni stay in touch with each other long after graduation, and events like the annual alumni forum bring graduates back to Cooperstown to meet with students. We even have our own active alumni association!